Environmental Economics and Policy

Preparation is lead by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
The work package includes activities within the preparatory stage of the project aimed at performing an in-depth partner country and partner institution needs assessment


Development Economics and Policy

Preparation is lead by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
The work package includes activities within the preparatory stage of the project aimed at performing an in-depth partner country and partner institution needs assessment


CSR and Sustainable Development

Preparation is lead by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
The work package includes activities within the preparatory stage of the project aimed at performing an in-depth partner country and partner institution needs assessment


Sustainable Leadearship

Preparation is lead by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
The work package includes activities within the preparatory stage of the project aimed at performing an in-depth partner country and partner institution needs assessment


Student Services Course

Preparation is lead by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
The work package includes activities within the preparatory stage of the project aimed at performing an in-depth partner country and partner institution needs assessment


Administrative staff training at ICO NIDA and SWU Bangkok, Thailand

Administrative staff training at ICO NIDA and SWU Bangkok, Thailand between  January 29- February 2, 2024 at the ICO NIDA and Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand. ICO NIDA ICO NIDA, Bangkok, hosted a staff training session conducted by Nagy Viktória from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. The topic of the training was “Creating a […]


Management board meeting in Budapest, Hungary

Management Board Meeting February 21-23, 2024 At The Eötvös Loránd University ,Budapest, Hungary Day 1 SC meeting at ELTE, Budapest, Hungary. Thank you Takács Rita and her team for hosting the meeting and extending a warm welcome The Masudem dissemination event linked to the Steering Committee meeting took plsce on 21.2.2024 at ELTE. Here are […]


MASUDEM Kick-off Meeting

MASUDEM Kick-off meeting was organized by the MASUDEM project coordinating institution University of Economics in Bratislava and took place between February 15 and February 17, 2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia.



It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many […]
